Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Brains Shrink

As if I needed a reason to get and stay fit, a new study has found that overweight and obese are "much less" brain tissue that people who are normal weight. According to the author of the study, UCLA neuroscientists Paul Thompson, "the brains of obese people was 16 years older than their healthy counterparts, while [those] of overweight seems 8 years." He added that "this is the first study to show physical evidence that connects the brain to decrease overweight and obesity and cognitive development.

The study examined the brain scans of 94 people within 70 years to five years and concluded that the subjects were classified as clinically obese brain tissue and eight percent lower, while obese people have studied four less brain tissue per cent compared to "normal" weight.

Take this opportunity to push a little back to our places of fitness and exercise.

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